We usually have one or two litters that are born directly from our bloodlines throughout the USA. If you are interested please contact us directly
Our previous work with puppies……..
In today’s world everyone needs to be mindful of where their puppies come from. The world our puppies grow up in is one of love. Yard chores such as Shoveling, sweeping, mowing, trimming, leave blowing, all done with the puppies near us. At night we watch TV with them in our laps and give them the one-on-one love you would if they were yours. Visit our Puppy pages for detailed information on how our puppies are raised, the training and beginning obedience, socialization and Nuro Stimulation for brain development.
Sit Training Outdoor Playtime Romping in the SunSit Sit Training Papa Phoenix with Kid Pack Socialization Shawna with Puppies 2018 Babies Fun in the Snow Family Socalization Puppy Fun Phoenix sleeping with Pups Puppy Playtime Shawna and Pup

Clover/Monty Puppies Teddy